Auteur(s) :
Collectif (coll)
Faccarello Gilbert (Professeur d'économie, Université Panthéon-Assas)
Edited by Gilbert Faccarello, Professor of Economics, Panthéon-Assas University, Paris, France and Heinz D. Kurz, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Graz and Graz Schumpeter Centre, Austria
Editeur : Edward Elgar Publishing
Isbn : 978 1 84980 111 9
Nombre de pages : 512 pages.
Prix : 202.00€
Parution : septembre 2016
Public : Licence Master
Présentation éditeur
Volume II contains entries on the major schools of economic thought and analysis. These schools differ with regard to their 'vision' of the working of the economic system, the major forces and interactions that shape its path, and the policy recommendations proposed. At any moment of time, several such schools typically compete with one another, striving for dominance within the economic and political discourse.