Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

Economiste, ministre des finances du gouvernement de Romano Prodi, ancien membre de la BCE

Page personnelle

Présentation :

Economiste, ministre des finances du gouvernement de Romano Prodi, ancien membre de la BCE

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa is President of Notre Europe, Chairman for Europe of Promontory FG and Chairman of the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation (a position he also held in 2005-2006). He was Italian Minister of Economy and Finance (2006-08) and and Chairman of the Ministerial Committee of the International Monetay Fund (IMFC, 2007-2008).
Previously he was member of the first Executive Board of the European Central Bank (1998-2005), Chairman of Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB, 1997-98), Deputy Director General of the Banca d’Italia (1984-97) and Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the Commission of the European Communities (1979-83).
His past functions also include: Joint Secretary to the Delors Committee for European Economic and Monetary Union (1988-1989); Chairman of the Banking Advisory Committee of the EU (1988-1991); of the Working Group on Payment Systems of the EU Central Banks (1991-1995); of the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision (1993-1997); of the European Regional Committee of IOSCO (1997-1998); of the FESCO (Forum of the European Securities Commissions) (1997-1998); of the G10 Committee on Payments and Settlement Systems (2000-2005).
He has been a Member of the Group of Thirty since 1979.
He is the author of a number of books and articles on economic and financial matters as well as on European and international affairs.
He graduated from the Luigi Bocconi University and has a M.Sc. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ouvrages publiés

2009: Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa , Beda Romano ; Contre la courte vue - Entretiens sur le Grand Krach; Odile Jacob

Participation à des conférences Jéco