Hans Jöhr

Chef du département Agriculture, Nestlé (Suisse)
Présentation :
Hans Jöhr is the Corporate Head of Agriculture at Nestlé in Vevey, Switzerland. As such, Mr Jöhr is responsible for providing technical and strategic leadership in the groups' world-wide agricultural raw material supply chain. This includes the agricultural policy, the raw material quality control and R&D. Mr Jöhr joined Nestlé in April 2000. Prior to moving to Nestlé, Mr Jöhr served as CEO of a Consulting & Management Company in Brazil engaged in agribusiness & forestry.
Mr Jöhr is a member of the IPC (Intl. Policy Council on Agriculture Food and Trade) and a member of Comitée National Suisse – FAO. Recently, he joined IITA’s Board of Trustees (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) and just ended his mandate as Director of Board of CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) in Costa Rica. Mr Jöhr is a former president of IFAMA (Intl. Food and Agribusiness Management Association) and past president of the Swiss-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Sâo Paulo, Brazil. Mr. Jöhr is the co-founder, former and to-day honorary president of the SAI Platform (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative of the food industry).
Mr Jöhr has a formal education in agricultural economics, completed with a doctorate degree in economic science with complementary management programmes at INSEAD (l'Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires, Fontainebleau, France) and IMD (International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland) and Harvard Business School (HBS), Cambridge. He has consulted in over 50 countries and is the author of more than 30 publications in Brazilian and international newspapers.