Christian Gollier

Professeur de Sciences économiques Directeur de Toulouse School of Economics
Toulouse School of Economics

Page personnelle

Présentation :

Christian Gollier is an internationally renowned researcher in Decision Theory under Uncertainty and its applications in climate economics, finance, and cost-benefit analysis, with a special interest for long term (sustainable) effects. He is fellow of the Econometric Society, and he received an ERC Advanced Grant. With Jean Tirole, he created the Toulouse School of Economics, where he served director (2007-2015) and vice-president (2017-). He is the president-elect of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). He is one of the Lead Authors of the last two reports of the IPCC.

Ouvrages publiés

2019: Christian Gollier ; Le climat après la fin du mois; PUF